Hi everyone. The STEX site has been updated with a form to fill out. " Due to unknown reasons, we suffered data loss.

02 Jun 2023, 16:19
Hi everyone. The STEX site has been updated with a form to fill out. " Due to unknown reasons, we suffered data loss. In result, we have very fragmented and non-consistent data regarding balances, transactions, etc. We cannot continue any business operations. Trying to recover any accesable assets we kindly asking for your help. Please use this form We are sorry for the inconveniences. " We still do not know much about the situation. Be careful with the info you send. It could be set up by the hackers themselves (in, indeed, they were hacked). Regardless, it doesn't seem to ask for too much personal info. For proof of address, I would send a light bill or internet bill. DO NOT INCLUDE ANY PERSONAL INFO SUCH AS PASSWORDS, LOGINS, or PRIVATE INFO. JUST PROVIDE THE INFO THEY ASK FOR SPECIFICALLY.